Helping Children with Autism Do Wonders
Approximately 1 in 44 children in the United States are diagnosed with autism. At Centria Autism, our mission is to help every child living with autism to develop, pursue and achieve their own goals and dreams through high-quality ABA Therapy and support.
We have helped more than...
10,000 Children
acquire skills to help them reach their full potential, providing services in over 11 states.
What Is ABA Therapy?
Proven the Most Effective Autism Therapy
Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) Therapy is an evidence-based therapy which strives to make meaningful change in behavior by breaking skills down into small, easy-to-learn steps. ABA Therapy is the single most effective treatment for children with ASD and the only treatment shown to lead to substantial, lasting improvements in the lives of children with autism.
Our Approach to Your Child’s Care
The structure of your child's care plan is designed specifically for your child. We ensure our expert team of Board Certified Behavior Analysts (BCBAs) work with your family to understand and build an individualized plan that will be the most effective at accomplishing your child's goals.
ABA Therapy Works. Here Are Some Inspiring Stories
Our Clients #DoWonders
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